Our Story
It was a normal day on maternity leave after giving birth to my first baby. I was writing in my baby’s baby book - updating his milestones, his new developments, and how he was changing week by week. And it hit me – I had reached new milestones and new developments and was also changing week by week after giving birth - where was MY space?
This space didn’t exist - until now. And just like that, The Mummaload Co. was born!
When I had my first baby in 2021, the transition into motherhood hit me in a way that I could have never anticipated. The answers I was searching for couldn’t be found in the pregnancy and baby books. It couldn’t be found online and often conflicted with other mothers' experiences. It didn’t make it easier that we were in the deepest COVID-19 lockdown, and I was navigating this new life alone - no village to be found.
I needed a safe space to feel what I was feeling and to process my birth and postpartum experience. To vent without judgement. I longed for a place where I could have recorded my pregnancy and how I shifted into new motherhood.
I now have two beautiful babies, and my passion for motherhood and prioritising the importance of the mother’s journey has exponentially grown.